While marijuana is legal under Illinois state law effective January 1, 2020, the federal law remains unchanged and does not permit the use or possession of marijuana on federally subsidized property.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) and the City of Chicago are working together to ensure a safe, responsible, fair and equitable implementation of the law and how the new law relates to federal laws governing the use of marijuana in public housing.
CHA will be working with all residents and property managers to ensure that everyone understands their rights under the new Illinois law.
CHA wants to make sure you remain in compliance with your lease and our goal has been and continues to be housing stability.
CHA will maintain a balanced and reasonable interpretation of the new marijuana law and address matters involving the use and possession of marijuana on a case by case basis with a thoughtful consideration of circumstances.
Yes. Property owners/managers can ban the use of marijuana at their properties and include this ban in a tenant’s lease. It is best to check with the property owner/manager and read the lease carefully so you understand the terms.
No. It remains illegal to distribute or grow marijuana. Marijuana can only be legally purchased at licensed dispensaries. The production and private sale of marijuana remains illegal.
If a neighbor is interfering with the safe and peaceful enjoyment of your unit for any reason, you should report this to Property Management.
The City of Chicago has created a Cannabis Information Center website that provides more details, information and resources for all Chicagoans about the new law. It can be accessed here: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/sites/cannabis-information-center/home.html The City of Chicago in partnership with the Chicago Department of Public Health also has created Cannabis Facts Chicago website to provide precautionary guidance in advance of the new law. You can access that information here: www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdph/provdrs/healthy_living/svcs/cannabis-facts-chicago.html.
The City of Chicago has created a Cannabis Information Center website that provides more details, information and resources for all Chicagoans about the new law. It can be accessed here: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/sites/cannabis-information-center/home.html The City of Chicago in partnership with the Chicago Department of Public Health also has created Cannabis Facts Chicago website to provide precautionary guidance in advance of the new law. You can access that information here: www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdph/provdrs/healthy_living/svcs/cannabis-facts-chicago.html.