Mobile City Halls
The City Clerk’s Office is partnering with sister agencies, Aldermanic offices, and City departments to bring city services to your backyard. From May through October, the City Clerk's office will be hosting Mobile City Halls across the City of Chicago. Residents can purchase their City Stickers, Residential Parking Permits, Dog Licenses, and get their CityKey ID at one of our many regional sites.
Click here for the calendar and additional details or visit the City Clerk's website for more information.
Utility & Rental Support
The State of Illinois Fiscal Year 2021 (FY 21) budget authorizes an expansion of the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) programs for eligible Illinoisans seeking emergency assistance to cover costs of utility bills, rent, temporary shelter, food, and other household necessities, the Help Illinois Families initiative.
Review eligibility and complete the pre-application form here to begin the evaluation process of increased financial support for eligible families in need of these household necessities.
City Resources Newsletter
Mayor Lightfoot's bi-weekly newsletter includes information on Chicago's 77 neighborhoods, city services and other resources. Sign up to begin receiving the "Our 77" newsletter here.
Chicagoans have a choice about which company will supply their electricity. Citizens Utility Board (CUB), in collaboration with CHA, explains Electric Choice and provides information and questions to ask an Electric Supplier to help you make the best choice for you and your family. For more information visit CUB’s website.
Healthy Chicago 2.0 envisions a city with strong communities and collaborative stakeholders, where all residents enjoy equitable access to resources, opportunities and environments that maximize their health and well-being.
Age Friendly Chicago joins a growing number of cities and communities worldwide who are striving to better meet the needs of residents of all ages by creating inclusive and accessible urban environments.